Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well it's supposed to be spring

The calender says spring. We had a few really warm, spring-like days. And then we keep getting snow. Nothing that really sticks, but it's still SNOW. I want to grow things. I want to ride my poines. I want to go outside without a coat.

We're going on with getting things ready for spring at any rate.

Scott scored big time with some wood at work. This box is like 20ft long, and all mode out of 2x12's

 Some oversized pallets

 2x12 box again

And I'm starting to Grow things. In the green houses I have three or four types of peppers: Roccot, Hugarian Yellow, Bell, and Jalapeno. Three types of peas: Sugar Snap, Shell, and look at only Sweet Peas. Eggplants. I'm sprouting sweet potatoes too.  

 The smaller tray is Roma and Beefsteak Tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the wood score! At my previous job (and life in the city) our company made huge pallets out of 4'x4' oak lumber and threw most of the scraps out! Like 4' long scraps! I wish we had the storage space back then to be able to take all those scraps, but alas, we didn't have the room. What a waste!



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